Harry Li's Portfolio Website

Made from: March 8 2023- Today

Harry Li Portfolio Original Design Harry Li Portfolio Main Page

For the past few years, I have desired to build a portfolio website in order to document my past experiences with software development

I didn't want to use a website builder as I wanted to demonstrate my growth as a software developer as well as relearn HTML which I had barely used since 2016. At first, I tried out Github Pages to host my website while using their markup. Using their odd markup, didn't make me feel accomplished and I wanted a more robust system to host my website so I can have many subfolders and pages.

In the end, I landed upon Firebase Hosting. I had previus experience with the Firebase SDK although not specifically the service. It would also allow me to be able to expand the project and potentially create a backend to the website.

After picking what to use, I decided upon how the website should look. I viewed other websites for companies and portfolios modifying and using different elements to create the design in the top left.

Harry Li Portfolio Mix Blend Difference Harry Li Portfolio Navbar Transition

In order to avoid using a background for the navbar, I had to use difference blend mode. It provides an incredible effect while preserving readability.
Eventually, text would come up making the navbar less readable. I took this into consideration while designing it in Adobe XD and made it transition into a opaque background when passing the text. I also made my name smaller to fit inside the opaque navbar.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me at: contact@harryli.me

This project has a public Github Repository: