Warfare Chaos

Made from: April 22, 2018 to September 24, 2020.

Warfare Chaos Logo in Enviroment Warfare Chaos Logo in Enviroment

Warfare Chaos is a fun tank game where you can control a tank and move around damaging enemies.

This was my second large project. I used the Unity game engine which I had some previous experience with. I also used C# as it was more popular and eventually Javascript got deprecated for using with Unity. The project was created when I started messing around with the code from 3d runner game. I started to think about rotating the charecter and allowing it to freely move. I eventually learned to constantly read through official documentation and videos(Udemy and Youtube) to figure out if I could use any of their features. I did 3D modeling and creating textures. I put various features into the project and was even looking at future features. I ran into Unity's new HDRP still in preview(it was very buggy) and decided to try it out. This forced me to maintain many features that I had previously created and gave me a better understanding of how to make what I coded better. I was planning to work with a friend for the project which made me start using source control. However, my friend never commited much to the project. This eventually led me to feel less enthuastic. Another reason was that the project as a lacked a vision for the future. I learned to create minimum viable product feature lists in order to keep my motivation in future projects (such as when I created projects with Dart).

Also note that the pink object to the right of the screen is a ramp. It doesn't have proper texturing which is why it is pink. I never got around to retexturing that specific object after moving the project to HDRP.

Warfare Chaos Early Version Warfare Chaos New Version

The first image is in the earlier version of the game which I mistakingly called "beta" and the second is from the later version which I also mistakingly called "alpha". You can see the second image's HDRP with things like fog and vignette. However, many things were corrupted and needed maintance when switching to a pre-release version of Unity.

Warfare Chaos Player Knockbacked to See Clouds Warfare Chaos Hit Enemy

From the first image you can see the enemy has hit the player causing knockback and having them tumble over. From this view you can see the sky texture (which is one of the only components I did not make) and more of the HDRP that comes with moving the project to HDRP. You can also see the damage to the health bar. The second image shows off the particle effects and the circular reload indicator in the bottom left. You can also notice the circular minimap moving according to the camera view. In the "beta" version, it was a square minimap but I believed that it was more appealing as circular so I coded it. Note that the method of damaging is hitscan meaning that no real projectile is fired but a ray in order to see if there is something in front of the barrel. There are 2 particle effects instanciated. 1 is for the barrels smoke and the other is for where the shot landed.

Warfare Chaos Destroyed Enemy Warfare Chaos Camera Adapting

You can see in the first image that the enemy was destroyed. This was only possible due to the enemy having less health. The enemy fully tracks the players exact position which allows them to hit the player precisely making it hard to destroy. In the second image, you can see more of the camera adapting. It was done by constantly raycasting to find out how far the wall behind the tank was and poistioning the camera accordingly.

Warfare Chaos Barrel Collider Warfare Chaos Dialogue

The first image shows that the turret's barrel has a collider, something that other tank games often ignore. It had annoyed me a bit that in most game the barrel can just phase through walls. The second image shows the creation of a dialogue manager which was to be integerated for a better player experience.

Warfare Chaos Early Version Terrain Warfare Chaos Main Menu

The first image shows the messing around of terrain which I did for the early version of the project. You can see that I coded the turret to be capable of rugged landscapes while keeping its collider. The second image shows the start screen for the game in a hanger.

Unique Fact
As I made this project during my elementary school years, I did not know about trigonmetry. This resulted in the player going faster when on a 45 degree angle as it would result in a √2 speed compared to normal.
Also, you might have noticed the collab button having an error beside it. This is because the original method of source control which I used for the Unity game engine got deprecated.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me at: contact@harryli.me

This project does not have a repository however I am more than happy to send files over if you contact me.