Made from: December 16, 2022 to December 17, 2022.
CarpTo provides a solution for carpooling. You can add other users to your friend list, group and post ride requests or offers.
I worked on this project along with 3 friends on the flutter framework (which I was very familiar with due to my previous projects such as AlexMack App).
This hackathon was 22 hours and in-person during the day time.
My team along with me were hackathon beginners. There was a beginners category however we were not selected for that podium.
Suprisingly, instead we were chosen as 2nd place overall(including non-beginners).
This can be seen by the first image above from DevPost (clicking this will redirect you to the site where the screenshot was taken).
If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me at: