Ironworks Robotics

Website made from: March 22 2023- March 27 2023. Programming lead since November 2023.

Ironworks Robotics Main Page

Ironworks Robotics is a team competing in the FIRST robotics competition. They require programming team which I am present on. They were orginally gonna code in C++ which I was very familiar with however we instead coded the robot in Java.

Along with helping build the robot code, I coded the website with HTML, CSS and Javascript:


Ironworks Robotics Gallery Page Ironworks Robotics Gallery Change Picture

The main challenge with coding the website was creating the gallery. I had to not only create Javascript, but also create a viable styling for viewing the content. For PC, the gallery has a carrousel which I coded. Resources such as w3c schools were for the most part unhelpful as their galleries could only display a finite amount of images. I also wanted the gallery to be easily maintainable as many on the team are not proficient in HTML. This resulted in a nice "image picker" container with many images and displaying their sources to the top display.

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me at:

This project has a public Github Repository: