Procedural Terrain Generation Experimentation

Made from: July 9, 2020 to August 11, 2020.

Procedural Generation Procedural Generation Top View

Procedural terrain generation intrigued me greatly. Letting the computer generate a landscape rather than manually doing it for my current and future projects.

In order to aquire knowledge on the topic, I stumbled upon a Youtube tutorial series by Sebastian Lague. In following this tutorial I was able to aquire knowledge on making things more effecient as well as general coding practices (very useful for someone who self-learned coding). This involved threading, something incredibly important when working on projects in Unity. Unity usually runs on a single thread causing any extreme calculations to cause lag to framerate and similar other components.

Procedural Generation Wire Frame View Procedural Generation Different Perspective
Procedural Gen Player Experience Procedural Gen Mars Modification

If you have any questions about the project, feel free to contact me at:

This project does not have a repository however I am more than happy to send files over if you contact me.